Ny patch till BF2142 > 1.51
This is the latest client patch for Battlefield 2142. Patch notes are as follows:
- Added extra account security fixes
- Added fix for nVidia drivers to solve tinitus visual effect
- Hit detection bug fix: Changed so that latency compensation history takes correct stored positions from buffer
- Updated as_titan_wake.tweak to allow for two attack choppers instead of the one previously allowed
- Added Operation Blue Pearl by Bjorn Sundell with special thanks to Jason Brice for lightmaps and finishing
- Added Yellow Knife, Molokai and Strike at Karkand 2142 maps made by Jason Brice
- Northern Strike booster pack maps and content are now free to play
- Added support for the Novint Falcon controller - www.novint.com
Yellow Knife
Designed and created by Jason Brice. Retouching by Mary Ellen Schrock. Contact at soundboyz@sbcglobal.net
Strike at Karkand 2142
Designed and created by Jason Brice. Retouching by Mary Ellen Schrock. Contact at soundboyz@sbcglobal.net
Strike at Karkand 2142
Designed and created by Jason Brice. Retouching by Mary Ellen Schrock. Contact at soundboyz@sbcglobal.net