#Gearbox har för tredje gången uppdaterat det levlande actionkalaset #Borderlands. Patchen gäller alla tre plattformarna och ska (om vi har fått korrekt information) vara släppt till samtliga när du läser detta.

Har du pc-versionen på dvd-skiva plockar du hem patchen från vårt filarkiv via länken nedan. Om du köpt spelet i nätbutik, till exempel Steam, vänder du dig till den istället. Komplett ändringslista för samtliga versioner återfinns också de nedan.

Samtidigt som patcharna har det även släppts en ny miniexpansion, också den nummer tre i ordningen. The Secret Armory of General Knoxx, som dlc-paketet heter, kan köpas direkt från Gearbox (pc-versionen), eller från nätbutik om ditt spel kommer därifrån.


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Addressed issues:
- Invalid weapons or items can no longer be loaded into the game
- Brick's Centurion class mods now regenerate health correctly
- Brick's Bombardier class mods now regenerate rockets correctly
- Roland's Tactician class mods now regenerate shields correctly and display the correct bonus values
- Roland's Rifleman class mods now apply damage increase to all machine guns
- Certain powerful legendary item names should now be displayed in the appropriate color
- Opening the bank in the Mad Moxxi DLC no longer prevents other players from moving
- Multiple copies of DLC missions can no longer be obtained
- Corrected some incorrect icons in the ammo vendor
- Fixed a crash caused by killing the final boss while zoomed in with a scope
- The "Careful, he bites" achievement should now properly unlock when playing in French
- Added icons to the server browser that indicate which DLCs the server has installed
- The server browser now displays the name of the DLC a server is playing instead of the plot mission
- Adjusted scrolling in menu options in long server lists
- Added a notification if a player attempts to continue a game saved in DLC that is no longer installed
- Fixed DLC notification dialogs that were not closing properly
- Alt-F4 no longer closes the game if it is not in focus

Balance adjustments:
- Chests in New Haven have been adjusted to contain more appropriate loot
- The duration of daze effects has been reduced to 6 seconds, and the amount by which it decreases the speed of enemies and their projectiles has been reduced
- Damage from shock elemental effects has been increased
- Repeater pistol damage has been slightly increased, accuracy slightly decreased
- Sniper Rifle critical hit bonus has been increased

Xbox 360

Addressed issues:
- Invalid weapons or items can no longer be loaded into the game
- Brick's Centurion class mods now regenerate health correctly
- Brick's Bombardier class mods now regenerate rockets correctly
- Roland's Tactician class mods now regenerate shields correctly and display the correct bonus values
- Roland's Rifleman class mods now apply damage increase to all machine guns
- Certain powerful legendary item names should now be displayed in the appropriate color
- Opening the bank in the Mad Moxxi DLC no longer prevents other players from moving
- Multiple copies of DLC missions can no longer be obtained
- Corrected some incorrect icons in the ammo vendor
- Fixed a crash caused by killing the final boss while zoomed in with a scope
- The "Careful, he bites" achievement should now properly unlock when playing in French
- Added icons to the server browser that indicate which DLCs the server has installed
- The server browser now displays the name of the DLC a server is playing instead of the plot mission
- Adjusted scrolling in menu options in long server lists
- Added a notification if a player attempts to continue a game saved in DLC that is no longer installed
- Fixed DLC notification dialogs that were not closing properly
- Fixed an issue which resulted in corruption in saved games
- Zombie Island achievements now unlock properly in splitscreen

Balance adjustments:
- Chests in New Haven have been adjusted to contain more appropriate loot
- The duration of daze effects has been reduced to 6 seconds, and the amount by which it decreases the speed of enemies and their projectiles has been reduced
- Damage from shock elemental effects has been increased
- Repeater pistol damage has been slightly increased, accuracy slightly decreased
- Sniper Rifle critical hit bonus has been increased

Playstation 3

Addressed issues:
- Invalid weapons or items can no longer be loaded into the game
- Brick's Centurion class mods now regenerate health correctly
- Brick's Bombardier class mods now regenerate rockets correctly
- Roland's Tactician class mods now regenerate shields correctly and display the correct bonus values
- Roland's Rifleman class mods now apply damage increase to all machine guns
- Certain powerful legendary item names should now be displayed in the appropriate color
- Opening the bank in the Mad Moxxi DLC no longer prevents other players from moving
- Multiple copies of DLC missions can no longer be obtained
- Corrected some incorrect icons in the ammo vendor
- Fixed a crash caused by killing the final boss while zoomed in with a scope
- The "Careful, he bites" achievement should now properly unlock when playing in French
- Added icons to the server browser that indicate which DLCs the server has installed
- The server browser now displays the name of the DLC a server is playing instead of the plot mission
- Adjusted scrolling in menu options in long server lists
- Added a notification if a player attempts to continue a game saved in DLC that is no longer installed
- Fixed DLC notification dialogs that were not closing properly
- Added support for allowing multiple user login on PS3, so that friends can play on another player's system in splitscreen
- Zombie Island trophies should now unlock properly
- Fixed graphical distortion and crashes some PS3 users may be experiencing

Balance adjustments:
- Chests in New Haven have been adjusted to contain more appropriate loot
- The duration of daze effects has been reduced to 6 seconds, and the amount by which it decreases the speed of enemies and their projectiles has been reduced
- Damage from shock elemental effects has been increased
- Repeater pistol damage has been slightly increased, accuracy slightly decreased
- Sniper Rifle critical hit bonus has been increased

Nytt i The Secret Armory of General Knoxx

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- Almost twice the size of The Zombie Island of Dr. Ned
- A brand new class of ultra-rare/kick-ass weapons
- New vehicles including one that allows for four players to drive and inflict damage and deal out death
- An exciting story line that picks-up where the original game left off
- Almost 30 new villain types
- A level cap increase to 61
- More difficult villains and smarter AI