Monster Hunter Wilds hare mottagits bra av konsolspelarna. Dessvärre är spelet inte tekniskt problemfritt där PC-versionen är det svarta fåret. Capcom jobbar dock hårt i nuläget för att patcha och fixa problemen så alla ska få en bra jaktupplevelse oavsett plattform.
Det finns en matscen i spelet som fått så stor genomslagskraft i Japan att den påverkat försäljningen i landets restauranger till det positiva. Dessvärre finns det en bugg som gör att denna matiga scen inte visas. I nästa patch som släppts den 10:e mars ska detta fixa till och även mycket annat.
Här nedan är en lista på vad som fixas till:
• The Meal Invitation event at Azuz and Sild does not occur on some occasions.
• An issue occurring when using Equipment Loadout, causing decorations to be removed from equipment, Bowgun Customization being reverted back to default, and Kinsects reverting to the initial rarity.
• When cutting off monster parts, the parts change into a monster part from a different monster.
• Gravios does not gain resistance to flinches after breaking its parts.
• An issue which may cause crashes or some monsters to act strangely under certain situations.
• Some skills are unintentionally activated under certain conditions.
• Some items/rewards can be obtained repeatedly under certain conditions.
• When trying to catch a fish with a capture net, the fishes nearby do not swim away from the fishing spot.
• Some environmental features such as floating rubbles can be activated multiple times.
• An issue wherein Main Mission: Chapter 5-1 "Omens" cannot be progressed.
• Palico's support move "Attract Vigorwasps" may cause the hunter to become unresponsive to some controls.
• When scrolling through the quest list, only the first 20 quests are shown correctly.
• An issue which may cause the game to forcefully shut down when starting a game with saved data that encountered a force quit.