Reflex, en klassisk arena shooter vi skrivit om vid ett par tillfällen tidigare, kommer inte fullfölja sin Kickstarter-kampanj. Efter halva tiden såg det så pass mörkt ut att utvecklarna själva valde att avsluta insamlingen men det finns hopp för actiontörstiga. Indiestudion kommer istället att släppa spelet på Steam Early Access inom kort, vilket de menar både ger för- och nackdelar.[mor€]
So as even our most optimistic fans are starting to realize, our Kickstarter isn't going to hit its target (barring some very wealthy miracles). This update will be entirely dedicated to explaining why we're not upset and why you shouldn't be either.
Right now, Reflex feels good. We think it feels good, pro-gamers think it feels good, new players think it feels good. We've succeeded in capturing the best parts of the arena shooter genre in a new, lean engine. Unfortunately, this is something that's hard to sell through videos and marketing bullet points.
The best way to get people excited about Reflex has always been to give them a copy to try for themselves. This has always been the approach we'd prefer to take. We want to grow the game alongside the community, we want to watch people's twitch streams, play their maps, download their frag films and jump on their servers to get our asses handed to us.
So to bring that scene together sooner, we're going to be shutting down the Kickstarter, focusing all of our development towards getting the game ready for Early Access. This work has already started -- that's why we've been a bit quiet the last few days. We've got a little bit more time than usual that we'd set aside for the Kickstarter and we're now cramming as much development into that time as we possibly can.
I samband med detta pushade de också för att få spelet godkänt på Steam Greenlight vilket det också blev på bara ett par dygn.