Stardew Valley skaparen Eric Barone utannonserade för något år sen nu att han jobbar på spelet Haunted Chocolatier. Spelet verkar dock ha fått ta baksätet ett tag då det fortsatts med uppdateringar till Stardew Valley. Stardew Valley har ju också blivit en gigantisk succé så i en ny intervju fick Eric frågan om han känner någon stress inför Hunted Chocolatier.

"[Fan expectation] definitely puts pressure on me,"

"But it's better to have a delayed game that's actually good than a bad game that's on time. When it's ready, that's when I'll release it. I'm not too concerned with the pressure. I don't feel like I owe anyone anything when it comes to Haunted Chocolatier. It's a game that I'm deciding to make. I don't need to make it.”

"I still spend all day hunched over the computer... My goal in life isn't about making money. I want to create things and share them with the world. That's what it's all about. That's what I'm doing. That's what I will do, regardless of any other circumstances, as long as I can financially support myself to be able to do that. If I couldn't, I would get a job and spend my free time creating stuff to try to get back to doing that."

Stardew Valley har just fått en stor uppdatering i 1.6 och vi får se om Eric nu kommer fokusera på nya spelet eller fortsätter med Stardew. Oavsett verkar han älska vad han gör och detta kommer säkerligen reflekteras i nya spelet också.