Sköna påskägg i Gears of War 3

Sköna påskägg i Gears of War 3

Epic Games visar sitt sinne humor med en rad invecklade påskägg.

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Sköna påskägg i Gears of War 3

hehe roliga

men den dära dansing wretch , vem fan kommer på att göra sånt ?!

Clucksho..Cluckwha?..cluckclockclu...Mind F***


"Satire is meant to ridicule power. If you are laughing at people who are hurting, it's not satire, it's bullying." - Terry Pratchett


De två första klippen är samma för mig...

Annars är det underhållande grejer de pillat in.


"A word to the wise is infuriating." - Hunter S. Thompson

10 Chambers
Skrivet av bjosarn:

De två första klippen är samma för mig...

Annars är det underhållande grejer de pillat in.


Skrivet av Carl Johansson-Sundelius:
Skrivet av bjosarn:

De två första klippen är samma för mig...

Annars är det underhållande grejer de pillat in.


När du ändå är igång kan jag ju meddela att det inte finns någon fårfarm i Diablo II, en hemlig ko-nivå däremot...


Ticker Fight Cutscene
On Act 2 Chapter 4, Trench Run, when you enter the area with all of the Tickers in cages (the 'Pet Store') clear out all of the enemies and then look for a boarded up area with a Ticker painted on it by the entrance door. Near this is a yellow light. Approach it and hit X when prompted to see a hidden cutscene.

Pig Roast on Gridlock
Head up the stairs in the tower area and look through the boards and chains and you'll see a fire. Shoot the Ash People in the foreground and the fire will be revealed -- it's a pig roast! Shoot the handle to rotate the spit.

Dom and Maria Photo and Audio Clip on Mercy
On Mercy, set up a game (preferably with a friend and no bots) and head to the chapel in the south. On a platform along the back wall under a stained-glass window holds a few books. The trigger for this Easter egg is the sound of bells tolling. This may happen randomly, but for the video below it happened at around the five minute mark (5:37 to be precise). A photo of Dominic Santiago and Maria Santiago will suddenly appear when the bells toll. Shoot this picture and you'll hear an audio clip of Dom crying.

Cole Train's Hat
In Act 1 Chapter 3, just past the checkout portion of the grocery store you'll come to the Sporting Goods section. In here is a Cole Train 'Thrashies' poster with a button that activates an audio recording. Next to this is a hat Cole can wear. A later cutscene shows him losing it.

Cole Train Cereal
This easter egg is in Act 1 Chapter 3, before you reach the playground. Go into the supermarket and look in the sporting goods section. You will find a cereal box with Cole trains face on it. Interact with the cereal for a special audio recording.

Cole's Speech to the Locust
On Act 1 Chapter 3, in the Super Market. You'll come across the Thrashies stand up that has the Cougars Hat and the button with the Thrashies catchprase. If you keep on pressing the button, you will eventually hear the Infamous Cole Speech from Gears of War 2, when Delta One is in the Queen's Stronghold.


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