Vi har varit spickna på Sifu sedan den allra första gameplay-trailern och hade markerat det som en av årets intressanta titlar. Vi kommer dock behöva koppla på tålamodet då utvecklarna meddelar att spelet försenas till tidigt 2022. Som plåster på såren får vi en ny trailer som återigen fokuserar på handgemäng och snabbt åldrande.
I ett blogginlägg hos Playstation förklarar de just den mekaniken:
Kung Fu is the mastery that comes from a life of training and practice, and the aging mechanic and death are also central to this trailer. In Sifu, that concept inspires both the main character’s drive and philosophy, and we want to make it part of the gameplay experience itself. Players can make mistakes, try again, and learn in the process. We want to make that experience smooth and fluid: players will be able to restart instantly where they died and keep going forward like an unstoppable force of revenge. You cannot age eternally, however; eventually you will become too old and have to start your path again.
You don’t get weaker as you age. On the contrary, like the old masters of classic Kung Fu movies, as the main character becomes older, they have more experience, skills, and knowledge to apply to the fight. Like a true Kung Fu student, to reach your objective you will have to improve through practice and perseverance.
Det här gjorde oss inte mindre sugna - det känns som en intressant twist på såväl döden som utveckling av karaktären.