

"Get an in-depth look at the PC features of FINAL FANTASY VII REBIRTH, the second game of the FINAL FANTASY™ VII remake project, coming to PC on January 23, 2025.

After escaping from the dystopian city of Midgar, Cloud and his friends set out on a journey across the planet. New adventures await in a vibrant and vast world – sprint across grassy plains on a Chocobo and explore expansive environments."


Final Fantasy VII Rebirth arrives January 23rd on PC featuring:

💡 Improved Lighting
⭐ Enhanced Visuals
🎮 DualSense Wireless Controller Support
🎨 NVIDIA DLSS Functionality
⏩ Up to 4K and 120fps
⌨️ Mouse and Keyboard Support


"Xbox has announced it will stream a new DEVELOPER DIRECT on January 23 with updates on DOOM: The Dark Ages, South of Midnight and more." skriver Game Awards på X.


"Nintendo announces special LEGO set for building the Game Boy handheld

Launching October 2025"


AC: Shadows lanseras 20e Mars 2025 meddelas det på X.

Skrivet av Gertzy:


AC: Shadows lanseras 20e Mars 2025 meddelas det på X.

Samtidigt har de anlitat rådgivare inför en eventuell försäljning av Ubisoft.


Playstation söker folk till en ny AAA-studio i Los Angeles:


"We are a newly established AAA studio based in Los Angeles, driven by a team of seasoned industry leaders and experienced game developers. Our mission is to create the next groundbreaking AAA original IP while reimagining the development process with a lean and highly efficient approach. We’re seeking talented individuals who share our vision and are eager to join us on this journey. "


Hell is us skryter att de inte har en karta i spelet


In Hell is Us, Player Plattering strips away the maps and waypoints—leaving you to trust nothing but your instincts, the clues you uncover, and the chaos around you.

Jonathan Jacques-Belletete - Executive Creative Director and Art Director of Hell is Us:

In Hell is Us, you won’t have a magical map or compass revealing all points of interest surrounding you, no markers identifying your next quest objective, and no artificial or mechanical guides to orient you. Instead, we invite you to dive directly into the game’s universe and rely on your own observation, reasoning, and intuition to progress. The environments are not there simply to decorate, they are there to communicate. Correspondingly, paying attention to what the NPCs tell you is crucial; as what they tell you is actual organic information about what to do and how to do it.

We call this concept “Player-Plattering”, as it is the opposite of “Silver-Plattering”. It represents our deliberate choice not to serve everything to the player on a silver platter with ready-made directions and answers. Instead, we want the player to regain full control of their adventure by exploring, discovering, and deciding for themselves.

Although this choice is bold, it aims to create a deeply immersive gameplay experience. You’ll need to explore every corner of our world, pay attention to even the smallest clues, and be creative in solving the investigation that lies ahead. We firmly believe that this approach enhances immersion, plunging you into an adventure where every discovery is the result of your own cognitive effort. We want to bring back the true, old school, joy of exploring and discovering.


Stoppa pressarna!

Det finns nu ett Doom mod där man går runt dricker vin och kollar på art!


"Game Pass Releases Help PS5 Sales More Than Xbox, Expert Reckons"


"Nintendo Switch 2 is reportedly getting two major Xbox games, including Halo
Master Chief may be coming to Nintendo Switch 2 and PS5, according to a reliable source"


Läckare som hade rätt om när PS5 Pro skulle avtäckas säger nu att Switch 2 kommer avtäckas nästa vecka!


En liten genomgång av Atomfall, skaparna bakom Sniper Elites nya single-player action/survival FPS. Påminner lite om ett brittiskt Stalker skulle jag säga.

"Atomfall will launch on March 27, 2025 and is now available to pre-order. Atomfall is coming day one to Game Pass, Xbox Series X/S, Xbox One, Windows PC and PC via Steam and Epic Games Store. Atomfall will also release on PlayStation 5 and PlayStation 4."


The more I practice, the luckier I get.

Skrivet av Gertzy:


"Nintendo Switch 2 is reportedly getting two major Xbox games, including Halo
Master Chief may be coming to Nintendo Switch 2 and PS5, according to a reliable source"

"To that end, I've heard that in addition to the above Hellblade 2, Age of Mythology, and potentially Gears of War 1 Ultimate Edition are all also slated for PlayStation 5 this year too, although I'm unsure if that includes the Nintendo Switch 2."


"Andy from VGC says Switch 2 reveal will be “here’s the system” & full reveal later"

Nytt rykte så ta fram lite salt. Final Fantasy VII Remake kommer till Xbox i år och Final Fantasy VII Rebirth nästa år.
Gears Of War 1, Hellblade 2, Microsoft Flight Simulator 2024, Age of Mythology och Halo: The Master Chief Collection är på väg till PS5 och Switch 2.





The Sims utannonserar event på X som kommer sändas 14:e januari 18:00!


S4U: CITYPUNK 2011 AND LOVE PUNCH är nu släppt!

This is a modern adventure of young adults seeking love and meaning. Return to 2011's Castor Yard, tap on your keyboard, and make those letters dance: Use your online persona to make meaningful decisions for your clients and yourself.


Någon har portat GTA III till Dreamcast!

Elon Musk ljuger om att han är bland dom bästa spelarna i Path Of Exile 2. Uppenbart att han låtit andra levla upp hans karaktärer då han inte vet hur enkla saker fungerar i spelet eller vad för gear som är bra.




Remake time!


Mer tecken på att den kommande Oblivion remaster/remaken blir en riktig remake som använder sig av Unreal Engine 5 med många gameplay förbättringar. Men kommer troligen inte avtackas på dem kommande directen.


Skrivet av Gertzy:

NatetheHate säger också att MGS Delta släpps till Switch 2! Båda ska väl så länge ses som rykten dock.


Kanske en nypa salt?
"improved systems" och sedan ingen egentlig information om vad det faktiskt innebär på någon punkt.
Får se om en vecka dryga kanske.


På torsdag släpps säsong 2!

Ny trailer ute nu:


Sega has filed new trademarks for the long dormant Ecco the Dolphin series.

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