Outriders-demo släppt - Testa det och lämna feedback för chans att vinna fullversionen och cool merch!

Outriders-demo släppt - Testa det och lämna feedback för chans att vinna fullversionen och cool merch!

Lira igenom hela öppningskapitlet av spelet. Med eller utan Calle.

#demo, #outriders


Steam är segt just nu, laddar ner med 5MB/s bara. Får återkomma senare med intryck.

Edit: Bytte Download area till USA: Los Angeles och nu går det med 40MB/s istället.


Jisses vad mitt steam går slött nu. Tror det är många som tar ner eller så tja...kanske det räcker jag startar om den men 22gb borde vanligtvis ta 5-10 minuter


<allt jag skriver är mina åsikter och ni behöver varken hålla med eller säga emot>


Hittade inget om Gears of Har på google så jag antar att det ska stå Gears of War i artikeln?
Förövrigt hade jag hellre sett att det här var ett first person spel..


Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet


1. Snurrande ikon "Authenticating" i en minut typ.
2. "Could not connect to Outrider server"
3. Unreal Engine krasch

Många som vill in antar jag.


Får timeout error i steam då jag trycker på download (steam funkar i övrigt, tanka ner nån update till andra spel går bra).

Edit: Fick hem det precis efter... Men Stabilt anti-cheat triggar på min iCue mjukvara för tangentbordet. får se om det räcker o stänga processen eller.

Edit 2: fimpade Icue programmet så startade spelet som det skulle.

Väldight häftigt gameplay, cirkeln snurrar för fullt, åså kommer det ibland en ruta.. ballt värre

-nää det får nog vila tills imorrn eller så


Build a man a fire, and he'll be warm for a day. Set a man on fire, and he'll be warm for the rest of his life.
- Sir Terry Pratchett

10 Chambers
Skrivet av Kleptoman:

Hittade inget om Gears of Har på google så jag antar att det ska stå Gears of War i artikeln?
Förövrigt hade jag hellre sett att det här var ett first person spel..

Kolla dina fakta!


Feedback 1B
* Riktigt bra musik vid startbilden
* Går inte att logga in, får bara "Could not connect to Outrider server"
Officiella twitter; https://twitter.com/Outriders/status/1364996481535500292
"To anyone hitting any server issues - We hear you and our servers are rapidly scaling up"

Skrivet av Carl Johansson-Sundelius:

Är det i samma spelserie som Bullettorm som ni skriver om? Antar det handlar om en orm som skjuter? Eller en orm som kör omkring i Steve McQueens bil från Bullit. Vilket som.


Good. Bad. I'm the guy with the gun

10 Chambers
Skrivet av beersgarden:

Är det i samma spelserie som Bullettorm som ni skriver om? Antar det handlar om en orm som skjuter? Eller en orm som kör omkring i Steve McQueens bil från Bullit. Vilket som.

Japp! Vi gillar djur!


Det var inte direkt lätt att logga in...tror det är bättre att vänta tills imorgon faktiskt


<allt jag skriver är mina åsikter och ni behöver varken hålla med eller säga emot>


Väloptimerat spel. Jag hade 3440x1440 på Ultra och låg på 70-80fps.


<allt jag skriver är mina åsikter och ni behöver varken hålla med eller säga emot>

Skrivet av Ankh:

Väloptimerat spel. Jag hade 3440x1440 på Ultra och låg på 70-80fps.

Nice. Vad för gpu?

Såg demotest av Paul Tassi, han sammanfattade det som "bland", vilket det ser ut att vara. Man kan knappt skilja det från mycket annat, men nu ska man inte vara så negativ. För deras skull hoppas jag det är en opolerad diamant. Utvecklaren är bra.


FZ - SAMLADE SKRIFTER: #walter_iego

Skrivet av powerbuoy:

Nice. Vad för gpu?

Jag har Gtx 2080ti - så en riktigt bra GPU...men med tanke på upplösningen jag använder så borde det vara rätt bra fps för de med "sämre" modeller i 1920x1080 osv.


<allt jag skriver är mina åsikter och ni behöver varken hålla med eller säga emot>


Spelade lite på Xbox Series X. Känns som att det inte är helt där tekniskt än.
Hjälpte inte heller att kameran verkade fastsatt på en person som hoppar runt.
Bakgrunden blinkade konstigt också, speciellt tydligt var det vid svart skärm.
Skumma övergångar mellan gameplay och video.
Ljudet hackade till emellanåt.

I övrigt kändes det lite väl gears men det kanske är ok. Inte det mest välskrivna jag stött på heller.
Slutade spela en stund in då jag fick lite huvudvärk.

Grafiken verkar vara av lite blandad kvalitet. Ibland ser vissa delar bra ut och andra ser ganska hemska ut.
Molnen är ett exempel på något som ser riktigt taskigt ut i jämförelse med annat. Helhetsbilden drabbas.

Får testa på Playstation 5 och PC senare också.
Kanske är Xbox Series X demot värre däran i dagsläget.


Flöt förvånansvärt bra på min low end dator. Kör med ett GTX 1650 (tillsammans med i7 6700 och 16gb ram).
Däremot skakiga cutscenes (känns som lite överdriven shaky cam, med hyfsat hög åksjukekänsla). Har kört en timme och tycker att det än så länge är klart godkänt. Dialogen känns lite ostig och oslipad. Saknar även lite tyngd i eldstriderna.


Testat på ps5 en timme och avinstallera skiten.. usch vilken dynga!!


Laddade hem. Spelade 1 timme. Raderade. Generisk smörja.


Din vänliga kvartersrecensent.


Som Anthem. Fast inte lika snyggt. Inte lika coolt. Helt utan mechs. Man kan inte flyga. Överlag rätt tråkigt. Sladdriga kontroller. Tråkiga vapen. Ingen oomph i striderna. Rätt tråkigt. Bra musik. Tröttsamma cutscenes. 1/5


Spelat demon, helt klart kul spel men behövs polerad en del (är en demo väntar mig day one patch) rörelserna känns väldigt *sluggish* lika med att kontrollerna är sega.

Men 1 månad kvar dem kommer nog hinna med fixa en del, för övrigt flött spelet på bra, och gillar skarpt att man märker av när man spelar på högre world tiers, hoppas detta ej görs om och för lätt framöver.


Spela spel är kul ibland.


- Extremt ful high level gear. Jag vill inte ha en bössa gjord av ben med en pung under och ett svävande sikte.
- Grafiken var inte så bra.
- Blurrigt och ingen inställning för det.
- Floaty kontroller.
- Krångliga menyer.
- Superpinsam dialog.
- Storyn kändes platt.
- Man kan inte ducka eller hoppa.
- Svårt att se vilka som är fiender och vilka som är co-op polare då nästan alla ser likadana ut.
- Noll AI taktik.

+ Röjig combat.
+ Väldigt olika och tuffa abilities.
+ Mycket fiender på skärmen!

De har lite att slipa på. Det var riktigt mellanmjölk först, men när jag låste upp alla krafter hade jag riktigt roligt.
Ska köra vidare på demot och se.


Jag hade inte alls koll på det här spelet.
Vart sjukt positivt överraskad.
Det var ljuset i mörkret jag verkligen behövde just nu.
Det tackar vi för.


Sjukt hur snabbt folk sågar ett spel😂

Spelat lite mer än en timme och tycker combaten är riktigt najs. Ösig och smooth. Cutscenes är lite stökiga men inget man kommer störa sig på tror jag då de inte kommer komma så tätt in på varandra efter man spelat en stund. Spelet flyter riktigt bra på mitt PS5. Än så länge inga grafiska buggar. Lite upprepad dialog bara vid några tillfällen.
Ska bli kul att spela lite mer och testa alla klasser framöver. Väljer att vänta med min sågning då det redan fungerar bättre än många andra multiplayer spel som till exempel Anthem och Wolcen. Sen får man ju se hur varierat det är osv.


Spelet var helt ok, jag körde igenom hela demot.

Det var inget banbrytande eller nyskapande på något sätt, det känns som att den lånar en hel del från destiny, remnant from the ashes och gears of war, och path of exile (tänker mest på skill-trädet). Jag tycker även att det blir tröttsamt med samma röstskådis till manliga protagonister.

-Lite halvt tungdriven, men helt okej grafikmässigt.

-Pangpangandet var helt okej.

-"Bossarna" var väl inte så värst svåra att klura ut och klara. trots att strider var underhållande.

-Musiken var ganska schysst.

-Coop är ett stort plus då man kan hitta fler skäl till att spela om kampanjen.

-Det samma gäller loot systemet, särskilt om man gillar att samla på sig det grymmaste.

Det här kan bli ett bra spel att spela med sina polare, FÖR RÄTT PRIS.
60 Merkels känns lite väl mycket begärt för vad som utlovas än så länge.

Outriders - Feedback

Självklart vill man haka på lite coop med Calle!

Skriver på engelska då det känns mer passande för mottagaren i fråga.

1. The Good

• Movement - Responsiveness
The movement felt responsive and helped a lot in the flow of the game. Some third person games have trouble implementing a responsive movement system to the degree that it has a negative impact on combat, especially when you have to move medium distances between encounters.

• Movement - Animations
The animations of movement feel pretty decent, while they could feel more adapting to your movements (sharp changes in acceleration), they are look well enough in their current state. There is one instance that comes to mind that might need improvement, but it's current state is pretty good. Improving it further might require reduction of movement speed and acceleration when swapping directions, which in turn would make the movement feel sluggish.

• Combat - Responsiveness
The combat was better than I had expected, especially in combination with the responsive movement, it allows the combat to have a reactive and fluid feeling as you can side-step certain projectiles and move in and out of cover without feeling like you have weights around your ankles. This is further improved through the ability to swap shoulders, which some third person shooters are very reluctant to implement for some weird reason.

• Weapons - Appearance & Sound
Models of weapons and firing animations are well made. Audio of weapons are, in general, very nice but some might require some more punch to them. For example, when firing a heavy sniper there are times when it feels like you're firing a lighter DMR which doesn't give you that sense of power.

• Weapons - Variety
Variety of weapons are well enough. Based on what I saw on the last Demo-boss, I am hoping on that later in the game there might be more weapon variety. The foundation is very promising and if there are more weapons, and they're as well made as the current ones, then it's great!

• Weapons - (gameplay) Feedback
Furthermore, the feedback of using weapons is pretty good. Most weapons can stagger weaker enemies and having an audio play out when they get hit emphasizes the effect of your actions. As there are damage numbers, the feedback required for players to know what they did isn't as important as some others games, but the basic feedback that we currently receive is well enough.

• Graphics
While they're not very awestriking, the graphics are good enough for a 2021 title. While it would've been nice to see some more graphic intensive features implemented, such as volumetric smoke for explosions or maybe some scattering of light indoors, I can understand if some things aren't funny enabled yet. However, Ultra doesn't really feel like Ultra, primarily when it comes to lighting effects, the shadows have very little softness to them. For some odd reasons the game also performs better on Ultra, the game would need some extra optimization.

• Abilities
The general design choices around abilities have so far been impressive. I've enjoyed all of the abilities to different degrees but they've all felt, at the very least, good to use. There are some balancing that might be required but other than that, very impressed with the designs.

In addition to the design of the abilities, the feedback of using them varies. Some are very "meh" but most of them are great, they have a lot of weight to their impacts and the gore from some was unexpected, but gave an impressive feel as most of the game is very gloomy and raw which made them fit in very well.

I really like the fact that there are modifiers on blue gear which, with varied magnitude, affects abilities.
What worries me is that this system is expected to balance out the fact that there are quite few abilities in the game. Unless these modifiers have more unique effects, I fear the lack of abilities might have a major negative impact on the game, especially as we're limited to three active abilities.

2. The bad

• Sponginess (Few but unexpected)

When playing, I decided to restart the story to see how it progressed and when doing so I noticed some enemies were unexpectedly spongy. They took a lot of shots to kill relative to what I had experienced before restarting the story. The biggest villains of this was the enemies right at the start.

Other than that I didn't come upon a lot of sponginess that wasn't likely due to an outdated weapon or low anomaly power, in general everything went down quickly and gave a nice feel, even at the current max world tier. Bosses felt spongy the first time facing them but the further I got into the game and the higher level I got, the weaker they were, even though they scaled to my level. This could possibly be that the content isn't made for being played with a character kitted out with all blue items and max demo-level, but it feels odd that things got easier the higher level I got, even though they scale.

• Ability aiming
Aiming with abilities that require you to throw things out a certain distance, such as Technomancer, is very difficult to do quickly as the distance feels like it varies quite a lot. Combining this with the fact that you have to hold down the ability-button results in a system where using abilities feels clunky unless it's one-directional or auto-aimed.
My suggestion would be to implement an optional system similar to those that exist in MOBA-games:
Holding down an ability-button brings forth the targeting aspect of the ability and upon releasing the button it will cast the ability.
This will be a middle-point of your current system where you can either hold a button to bring forth the ability or blindly throw it in a direction.

• Replayability
When playing, I received a tip from the game which said that replaying side-quests would rewards me with new randomized loot, this is not the case. Unless you refer to loot dropped by enemies or boxes, replaying side-quests did not reward me with any loot specific to the quest, only to the area. This does not encourage replaying side-quests for the sake of loot unless you specifically refer to loot found in the area, thus it's not the quest itself that I want to replay but more the area, while this might be a little pedantic, it doesn't feel rewarding to turn in a quest and receive nothing.

In addition to the replaying of quests not feeling rewarding, the fact that we have to find the quest-giver every time that we want to replay a quest and then go to the respective quest-entrance feels very slow-paced, at least when the quest-giver is located in town and the quest we want to play might be far from town and thus require fast-travel followed by regular travel. I'd suggest having some sort of quest-giver at the entrance of the quest after you've played it to allow faster replaying if you want to replay it multiple times, it could also act as a temporary one-time fast-travel destination when you're in the respective quest instance.

Furthermore, I believe the game would greatly benefit by account-wide currency and resources. This would mitigate the penalty of swapping character while acting as a catch-up system gear-wise thanks to the fact that baseline gear would be available in stores and through crafting. This would also allow players to feel a broader sense of identity attached to the entirety of their account instead of specific character and thus allow them to experiment with different classes. However, as I don't know how end-game content is structured, nor do I know if there are other catch-up system implemented for later stages of the game, having account-wide currency and resources might not be necessary but it would be a convenient addition none the less.

• Cover
The cover system feels decent, but it also feels unresponsive. There have been numerous times when I can't go into cover, most often when enemies are nearby or an ability has affected the direct vicinity of the cover.
Moving from cover to cover through the *Hold* mechanic doesn't work if an other player is between you and the other cover, this feels like an appropriate time when you can show some leniency on player collision. Having an other player force you to an immediate halt doesn't bode well.

3. The ugly

• Optimization and Performance
As previously stated, the optimization of the game might need to be looked at. Ultra performs better for me than any of the lower and Ultra really doesn't feel like an ultra setting in 2021. The cinematics are for some reason showing performance issues through lagging and janky animations, even though the game is exhibiting no FPS drops below the capped FPS, which in conversations is 30 for some odd reason. On Ultra I have a stable 65-70 FPS, on High I have 45-65 FPS.

• Comparison of items
It would be greatly appreciated if we were able to see the stats and bonuses of items when comparing them. Things such as damage, accuracy and rate of fire doesn't take up a lot of space and is important when it comes to whether or not we want to equip an item.
Further more, at least show us what bonuses we get from items that are on the ground when comparing. Not being able to see what bonus we receive when checking items on the ground forces us into the inventory menu.

Which brings me to the next point:
• Menu transitions
Moving to menus and between them is very slow and tedious, mostly due to the black fade that happens every time. This also directly affects dialogue between characters, NPCs speaking fades out as I, for example, enter my inventory to go through the item I were unable to compare on the ground. It affects the flow of the game and gives a sense of loading screen which is very odd, especially when streaming textures would help you a lot in this aspect, something I'm assuming you've already implemented.

• Interrupt (effect) immunity
The clarity of what abilities that can interrupt is great, I love information being conveyed to the players as it brings clarity and a better understanding. However, the immunity towards effects and interrupts is very weird as several weapons and abilities cause immunity which in turn can make bosses a lot harder.
For example, the first three abilities of Technomancers all cause effects on bosses, this in turn causes immunity to go up very quickly which in turn causes certain abilities to be cast and makes the fights a lot harder. Having an enemies go immune due to simply wanting to deal damage and then have them heal up that damage is extremely anti-climatic and results in you questioning why you're even using your abilities.

• Static ability numbers
Having static numbers on abilities isn't ideal, in my opinion. Having gear that gives you bonuses to your abilities, such as damage, and then having no indicator of what that damage now is doesn't feel very good. If I receive 20 extra damage to an ability and it still says 50 in combination with my Anomaly Power being at 200, how am I supposed to know how much damage I can expect to deal?
Basic theory-crafting of gear requires information to be visible to the player, hiding dynamic values isn't ideal, especially not when they're available to the game itself as the ability will, inevitably, deal damage at one point.

• Animation Locking
The animations for Pyromancer's Heatwave locks the player in place and brings them out of cover which causes them to be highly susceptible to damage, this is a huge difference to other classes that can both use abilities in cover and while moving.

Bugs / Issues

I've encountered surprisingly few bugs, to the degree that I only have one gameplay-affecting to report.

• Devastator leap
When using Devastator's leap, there's a chance of their aim being locked in place and thus causing them to be stuck in place until the duration runs out.

• Animations
Moving in one direction and then tapping in the other causes your legs to look a bit weird.Example

Some facial animations might need to be looked at. This is very early in the game and might leave a bad imprint for new players.

(Credits to a friend of mine for screenshotting it)

• Weapon type - Inconsistent with behavior
I stumbled upon an automatic shotgun with the type "Automatic Shotgun Slug Var." which indicated that the shotgun would be using slugs, this was however not the case as it fired regular buckshots. I highly suggest that the weapon type matches the behaviour of the weapons.


The game shows a lot of promise, I am eager to see how it turns out. There were some aspects of the game which I never had an opportunity to test out to the degree that I felt comfortable making a statement about it, this includes talent trees and extensive cooperative testing. I did try some coop but further testing required (looks over at Calle) for more thorough thoughts.

From what I saw when it comes to the talent trees they look good, although generic, but unless you implement some nodes that have substantial impact on gameplay, they'll probably do the job quite well. I might prefer a system similar to Path of Exile (PoE) or Wolcen (which is based on PoEs), mostly due to the freedom they allow when it comes to builds, but they're more difficult to balance and making the nodes and psuedo-trees alluring can be difficult without clear paths. On top of that it's less beginner-friendly as it's easily overwhelming. The current system you have is probably a lot better than some other possible variations, I think people will find it enjoyable as long as it feels impactful.

I'm having trouble seeing a 60 euro price-tag being justified but that's up for Square Enix to prove, and me to subjectively judge!

--Last edited 2021-03-06, 10:18--
Weapon type inconsistency

--Old Edits--
Added some thoughts in replayability regarding account-wide currency and resources.
Some minor additions and changes in sentence structure to improve readability.


Laddade hem - möttes av ett meddelande att jag måste skaffa ett SquareEnix-konto - Avinstallerade.

Seriöst? Skaffa ytterligare ett konto för att testa ett DEMO. Trams

Skrivet av I am Grööt:

Laddade hem - möttes av ett meddelande att jag måste skaffa ett SquareEnix-konto - Avinstallerade.

Seriöst? Skaffa ytterligare ett konto för att testa ett DEMO. Trams

Men seriöst, hur jobbigt är det då?😆

Skrivet av I am Grööt:

Laddade hem - möttes av ett meddelande att jag måste skaffa ett SquareEnix-konto - Avinstallerade.

Seriöst? Skaffa ytterligare ett konto för att testa ett DEMO. Trams

fick aldrig jag upp

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