Att Lords of the Fallen (recension) skulle få en uppföljare stod klart redan i december 2014. Därefter har saker tillstött, eller rättare sagt: det har inte hänt så mycket överhuvudtaget. Utöver en nyhet i fjol om att både budget och ambitioner kapats kan vi idag bekräfta nyheter.
Ja, Lords of the Fallen 2 blir av. Nej, Deck 13 utvecklar det inte. (Originalet snittar på 58 av 100 bland Steamanvändare så det är kanske ingen förlust.) Utgivarna CI Games berättar i ett pressutskick att relativt nystartade Defiant Studios får förtroendet att utveckla spelet.
We talked to a number of globally respected studios that had shown a strong interest in making the next LotF and received several solid pitches. We finally decided to move forward with Defiant because we were impressed with their game concept, production expertise, and the pedigree of their developers.
Defiant is made up of some of the industry’s most talented creators, and we are thrilled to have them create the sequel to LotF. We look forward to bringing their next big game to the global market on consoles and PC.
David Grijns har grundat Defiant och var tidigare chef och game director för Avalanche Studios New York. Det förtäljer inte historien huruvida Defiant börjar om från början, men mellan raderna på Grijns uttalande låter det onekligen som att det är fallet.
We have been talking with CI Games for several months now and went through a detailed process of getting to know one another’s expectations and motivations in regards to LotF 2. We are happy that we can commit our studio to developing a great game in a well-established franchise. Our team has been excited about the chance to make the next LotF from the moment we started to work on our pitch for CI. We are particularly thrilled about the creative freedom that CI Games is willing to offer.