Metro Exodus får tidigare releasedatum:
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Black Ops 4 patch,
En del nytt och en lite säsongsbetonat.
Plånboken öppnas för: Titlar där pc-spelaren får ett likvärdigt utrymme som console-spelaren, aldrig till några console skulor. Dvs, där patch och dlc datum inte är senarelagda till pc, där specialutgåvor av spelet inte är strippade till pc eller där andra ”uppfostringsmetoder” används. Att man satsat på en trovärdig anti-fusk motor samt att utvecklaren har en bra ”anti-fusk attityd”. Aldrig för: 3xA P2W titlar.
Battlefield V - TTK ändringar
Dice släppte nyligen ut en liten patch som ändrar TTK (Time To Kill)
Låt mig säga att folk inte är glada och deras twitter konto blir spammat av folk som hashtaggar det med #NotMyTTK
Felet ligger/låg aldrig i TTK utan i TTD (Time To Die) med one frame buggen där du dör utan att du hinner reagera. Detta skylls på att nät koden har en bugg i sig där den sänder flera packets för mycket.
Mer info här
Lego: The Hobbit - finns att tanka hem gratis via Humble Bundle tills imorgon kl 19!
"Do. Or do not. There is no try." - Yoda
Bra deals på Green Man Gaming! https://www.greenmangaming.com/mix-n-match/
"Mix'n'Match": Välj 5 utvalda spel och betala 5 pund, ca 60kr. Först till kvarn så länge lagret räcker!
Spel som Metal Gear Solid V, Vermintide: End Times, Rage och med mera finns!
"Do. Or do not. There is no try." - Yoda
Discord väljer en 90/10 split för att konkurrera med Epic Games 88/12 split
"TL;DR — In 2019, the Discord store will allow all developers to self-publish games with a 90/10 revenue split.
Back in 2015, we asked ourselves a few questions. Why do you still need to enter an IP address to join voice chat? Why do gamers have to pay for voice chat? Everyone was already using Ventrilo, TeamSpeak, or Mumble, and we wanted to make yet another one.
However, we believed that we could create a modern and easy-to-use app that provided more people with the amazing experience of hanging out online with friends. Nearly 4 years later, over 200 million people have used Discord to chat and play games with their friends.
Discord has also brought game developers and their fans much closer together. As a player, there is something amazing about jumping into a verified community server and talking directly to the developers who build the game you love.
Earlier this year though, we noticed a change happening in the game industry. We talked to a lot of developers, and many of them feel that current stores are not earning their 30% of the usual 70/30 revenue share. Because of this, we now see developers creating their own stores and launchers to distribute their games instead of focusing on what’s really important — making great games and cultivating amazing communities.
So, we asked ourselves a few more questions. Why does it cost 30% to distribute games? Is this the only reason developers are building their own stores and launchers to distribute games?
Turns out, it does not cost 30% to distribute games in 2018. After doing some research, we discovered that we can build amazing developer tools, run them, and give developers the majority of the revenue share.
So, starting in 2019, we are going to extend access to the Discord store and our extremely efficient game patcher by releasing a self-serve game publishing platform. No matter what size, from AAA to single person teams, developers will be able to self publish on the Discord store with 90% revenue share going to the developer. The remaining 10% covers our operating costs, and we’ll explore lowering it by optimizing our tech and making things more efficient.
We will also empower developers to communicate with their players by improving Verified Servers, extending their ability to add great content to the Activity Feed, and more. We believe if we iterate and work with developers, we can reverse platform fragmentation in the game industry while connecting developers and players closer together.
Lastly, we will continue to focus on what’s brought 200 million people to Discord so far — top tier voice, video, and text chat. We’re constantly working on making Discord better, faster, stronger, and we have a slew of features coming out in the next couple weeks to months (including some of our top requested features on our official feedback site. We see you).
As always, we’re thankful for everyone who’s supported Discord this far. You’re amazing and you make coming to work every day so inspiring for all of us. We look forward to the amazing ways we can continue to support players and developers in the future."
Nya rykten om Xbox hård(varu)satsning inför next gen:
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Trådlöst Tangentbord och mus från Razer till Xbox One visas upp:
Mer på CES den 8 januari!
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Blizzard tar till nerf-hammaren och rullar ut en Hearthstone-uppdatering som skiftar metan i hela spelet:
- Spelets bästa kortlek sedan 3 expansioner tillbaka förlorar ett av sina viktigaste kort.
- Två av de viktigaste korten för Druid som klass blir betydligt mindre användbara.
- Den starkaste Shaman-leken förlorar sitt vinstvillkor.
- En av få gångbara Rogue-lekar förlorar mer eller mindre den enda metoden att hela sig själva.
Detta skulle vara en helt vanlig om än omfattande uppdatering om det inte vore för att den rullades ut utan förvarning en dag innan $30 000-turneringen WSOE (World Showdown of Esports).
Atom RPG släpptes idag. Det är ett postapokalyptiskt isometriskt rollspel, som är väldigt inspirerat av första Fallout-spelen.
Spelet på Steam
FZ nyhet om Atom RPG från drygt ett år sedan
Battle(non)sence har gjort en nätverksanalys av Battlefield V's nätkod där han förklarar TTD och TTK one frame kill buggen med mera.
Detta test utfördes i samarbete med Dice just för att komma till botten av nätkod problemen som präglar spelet just nu.
I slutet av videon nämner han att Dice jobbar på att optimera nätkoden och att all data han samlat in under sina analyser är skickat till Dice.
343 Industries samarbetar med Limbitless och gör Halo-bionic armprotes:
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Mer lego åt folket!
LEGO: Lord of the Rings är GRATIS!!!! Skynda innan nycklarna tar slut.
"Do. Or do not. There is no try." - Yoda
Star Citizens singleplayer del, Squadron 42, som är ett helt spel i sig, har fått sin roadmap släppt nyss. Spelet skall vara färdigt 2020 och då gå igenom en betatest just innan släpp till synes samma år. Så man kan säga att de gett oss ett preliminärt släpp datum nu.
Roadmappen följer samma mönster som Multiplayer delens. Dvs direkt från deras JIRA. Finns två vyer, overview och features.
Video där de går igenom ovanstående.
Edit: CIG släpper även sina finansiella data nu sedan 2012 till 2017 som visar hur de spenderat sina pengar. Det hittas här: https://cloudimperiumgames.com/blog/corporate/cfo-comment-201...
De har även, som nämns i filmen ovan och i det brev de skickat ut till alla backers, tagit in en investerare på 46 miljoner dollar ungefär för 10% av bolaget. Detta för att sjösätta en marknadsföringsplan för spelet nu när de har ett ungefärligt släpp datum klart. De har lovat sedan början att inte använda några pengar från backers till annat än utveckling så detta var det enda sättet att få till den marknadsföring som behövs när ett spel av denna storlek skall släppas.
Klipper in infon här från brevet:
December 20, 2018
Hello everyone,
2018 brought some pretty big things to the Star Citizen universe: our first planet (Hurston), our first major landing zone (Lorville), four new moons, 32 new flyable ships, Face Over IP, much improved performance thanks to Object Container Streaming, Network Bind Culling, and a complete overhaul of the game code to enable it to run on multiple CPU cores simultaneously. We had our largest CitizenCon to date in Austin, Texas and just recently wrapped up a really fun Anniversary Event. How cool was it to make the journey to Lorville, visit the Intergalactic Aerospace Expo West, and get an up-close and personal sneak preview of some of the vehicles coming to the ‘verse, or fly dozens of already flyable ships? It has been exciting reading the posts from people discovering the project for the first time and seeing so many people having a blast playing Star Citizen.
As we look forward to the holidays, I want to give you all a couple of updates. The first item of news is that the Squadron 42 public roadmap is going live today. As with our Persistent Universe roadmap, this is linked to our company’s internal JIRA tracking system, so you can see at a glance the work remaining to complete the game. It was a lot of work to make sure every remaining task was broken down in detail and estimated to the best of our ability.
The same caveats will apply to the Squadron 42 roadmap as they do to the PU's, but our plan is to be feature and content complete by the end of 2019, with the first 6 months of 2020 for Alpha (balance, optimization, and polish) and then Beta. When we started the campaign for Star Citizen and Squadron 42, I said that the crowdfunding would go towards developing the game, and that the amount would define the scope and ambition of what we were working on. That is a commitment I am proud to say we have been upholding; its why we have over 500 staff around the world working on the games and have spent very little on marketing.
You can see this investment into development in the UK financials that we publish every year on Companies House. In a further effort at transparency, we have decided to publish our historical financials from 2012 through 2017 on our new corporate website to allow all of you to see not just how much money we raise via the public counter, but also how the money has been spent globally.
All of our current marketing is community focused and viral, with events we host for all of you, in-fiction lore, commercials that help flesh out the world, and PR outreach. The fact that we have raised over $211M via word of mouth and viral marketing is staggering and a testament to how amazing a community you are. Everyone at Cloud Imperium is humbled to have your trust and support on this journey together.
As a result, we are building two of the most ambitious games ever, with budgets that are unmatched by all but the very biggest projects.
Having a great game is only half the battle. As we look towards the release of Squadron 42, we have been acutely aware that having a AAA game that matches the biggest single player titles out there only goes so far if no one knows about it. The games we will be competing with for attention have tens and, in some cases, hundreds of millions of dollars of advertising behind them.
Other companies in a similar situation have normally tackled this problem by partnering with a publisher for the marketing and sales of their game. As you all know, I am not in favor of putting our destiny in the hands of a third party. On the other hand, I don’t feel it would be right to go back to all of you to raise funds to market the game to other people; most of you already have a copy earmarked for you and I still strongly feel that the money brought in from our crowdfunding should continue to go to the development of Star Citizen and Squadron 42.
Because of this, we started to investigate ways to raise money to fund the upcoming marketing and release needs of Squadron 42. We turned away some approaches from Private Equity and Venture Capital because we were concerned about them fully understanding what makes our company tick and pushing us towards short-term decisions.
During this process, we were introduced to Clive Calder and his son Keith, who have both been interested in the confluence of entertainment with the ability to directly connect with an audience online. Clive founded the most successful independent music company, Zomba, which was home to some of the biggest music acts in the world. Keith is an independent film producer whose company Snoot Entertainment’s most recent films are the critically acclaimed Blindspotting and the Academy Award-nominated Anomalisa. During our first meeting we got on like a house on fire, with Clive telling me about how he wished that, when he built Zomba, he could've connected to the fans of an artist while bypassing the myriad of media gatekeepers in the way Star Citizen does. Keith and I swapped war stories about the film industry and talked about how refreshing it is to be able to utilize crowdfunding to create a project that flies against what is currently considered mainstream.
During the course of these discussions, it became clear to me that if Clive and Keith joined us as investors in our company, we’d have true partners that respected what we had built, but also fully understood the ins and outs and the patience required with a business based on creating entertainment. Taking in like-minded partners helps us solve the need of funding the marketing and release of Squadron 42, but also stay attuned to what makes us special.
So, it’s with this that I would like to announce that we have closed a minority investment into Cloud Imperium US & UK from Clive’s family office and Keith’s Snoot Entertainment for $46M for approximately 10% of the shares in the Cloud Imperium US and UK companies.
This is a testament to the value, future potential, and longevity of Cloud Imperium.
As part of this process we’ve taken on two outside board members. The first is Clive and Keith’s board nominee, Dan Offner, who is an experienced lawyer and entrepreneur with over twenty years of experience in interactive entertainment. The second is Eli Klein, a long-term friend who has been acting as an advisor to the company over the past couple of years.
The control of the company and the board still firmly stays with myself as Chairman, CEO, and majority shareholder.
We wouldn’t have taken anyone on board if we didn’t feel that they were fully aligned with our vision, philosophy, and could add valuable insight into navigating the business challenges ahead.
This investment helps secure our independence. We may not have the resources that an Activision or EA have to launch one of their tentpole games, but we now control our own destiny in marketing Squadron 42, especially as we have a secret weapon: all of you! Between the power of the best community in gaming to help get the message out and these additional funds, we will be well positioned to enable Squadron 42 to enjoy the success that it deserves.
Beyond this, this investment gives Cloud Imperium the ability to take the long view when needed and allows us to grow as a company. I couldn’t be happier.
So I would like to welcome Clive, Keith, Dan, and Eli to the Cloud Imperium family, and I look forward to great success with them and all of you.
See you in the ‘Verse!
Edit2: Venture beat skriver mer om den finansiella delen. Förefaller som att CIG är värderat till 496 miljoner dollar, vilket det är väldigt få spelföretag som är, speciellt sådana som ännu inte släppt något spel.
Wargroove har fått Steam sida, ny trailer och släpp kvartal Q1 2019!
Streamer hittar Ark-menyn i Ark-utvecklarens nya reskin ”Atlas”.
DOOMBA; äntligen kan du generera DOOM-kartor genom att låta din Roomba-dammsugarrobot städa hemmet!
Life is Strange 2 avsnitt 2 kommer 24 januari. Källan är deras twitter https://twitter.com/lifeisstrange/status/1075420493900070912?...
🎮 Xbox Series X | Nintendo Switch | Playstation 5 | Samsung Q90 65”
”Döm ingen efter utseendet – för så otroligt bra är jag faktiskt inte!”
Admin för SpelClockers
Guildmaster för ESO guilden Fragzone på PC-EU - den enda officiella FZ guilden. Vill du ha en inbjudan, sicka ett PM!
Ord är mer än tre bokstäver...
Vet inte om ngn har skrivit om det redan men:
HITMAN™ 2 Gratis att spela på Steam till och med 2019-01-07
Time flies like an arrow, fruit flies like bananas.
We judge ourselves by our intentions and others by their behaviour.
Overlord Gaming är en Youtube-kanal som testat flera spel före och efter de patchat bort Denovo kopieringsskydd. Testerna är gjorda med samma drivrutiner.
Artikel på Ars
Testet av Overlord Gaming
Topplistor från Steam
Blizzard gör att man måste länka sitt Blizzard konto till Twitch för att kunna skriva i chatten. Skriver man något elakt i twitch chatten blir man bannad i Overwatch.
Admin för SpelClockers
Guildmaster för ESO guilden Fragzone på PC-EU - den enda officiella FZ guilden. Vill du ha en inbjudan, sicka ett PM!
Ord är mer än tre bokstäver...
*Jag är säkert väldigt efter... eller?
6 December kom den här trailern ut, så ja, lite
6 December kom den här trailern ut, så ja, lite
Nåväl, vi kan ju njuta av den en gång till!
Valves spel Artifact ligger i botten på top 100 listan över spelade spel på Steam. Under äldre spel som Total War: Rome II, Elite Dangerous, XCOM 2 och Dying Light. Verkar inte gå så bra för spelet .