Forumiter och Fallout-fans - förena er!
Then Fallout 3 was followed by another story of 1 & 2nd game, but we met many people who had links to the first games. will we meet some new people from the first games in the Fallout: Las Vegas?
Another thing that bothered me in Fallout 3 was that the first time you met people you coulden´t go back after a few hours spent out in the "Wasteland" and keep talking with them. It would have been more realistic to ask people for example, what has happened the last time I was here and get more out of the game feeling.
What is the main difference between New Vegas and the orginal Fallout 3?
Is there more or the same amount of content?
Any new and special features?
Minderåriga får inte spela vid Casinoborden, hur ska de lösa det?
Why do you still have the same graphic engine from Fallout 3???
erm, för att det kostar $$$ att ta fram en helt ny så man modifierar en man redan har kanske?
Both Fallout 3 and oblivion had the problem that the facial expressions of the npc´s made their emotions seem like those of dead worms. It's kinda hard to feel for someone who's family got murdered when they're showing you a stone face. Will you change that in FO: NV?
Also are you going to extend the craft system? It would be nice if you could pick up scraps from the ground and make something from it.
Is the game story driven (railed or whatever you want to call it), open world or a mix of both? Is the game still playable as a sandbox game?
Have you gone for the darker Fallout as you saw in Fallout 1 where everything clearly was more dystopic?
Is anarchy still ruling or is society more organized in FO NW?
How important will the Enclave and the Brotherhood of Steel be?
The game is clearly closer to BOS homebase than FO3.
I came here to ruin your day. God sent me.
Will new vegas be based on the same graphics engine as fallout 3? Because that shit is ooooold . . ?
Att byta till en helt ny skulle dels fördröja spelet med 2-3 år minst, kosta en jävla massa pengar (som istället kan spenderas på själva spelet och inte motorn i sig), samt såklart döda hela mod communityn ett bra tag efter släppet då de som kan modda måste lära om sig (om den nya motorn ens skulle komma med en editor..) Nej tack.
Det vore ett väldigt dåligt val att byta motorn, så kass är inte grafiken (to.m FO1-2 har en rätt stor fanbase fortfarande, och den motorn är faen inte ny )
How many joinable factions are there?
Will there be new animations in conversations, combat and in world interaction?
Will there be more consequences with the players actions? For example, how will NPC's react when they meet the player and so on.
How big will the map be? Will it be bigger or smaller than the Fallout 3 map?
And how many quest, people and places are there?
Will the player be able to give followers more andvanced requests?