Officiella #Crysis Warhead-webbsajten är uppdaterad med senaste patchen - patch 1.5. Den fixar till en mängd grejer, rättar till buggar och lägger till nya banan "Ruins". Här är hela listan på vad patchen medför.

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General Fixes

* [ Fixed ] When spectating, buy menu won't switch tabs
* [ Fixed ] Occasional HUD buttons displacement
* [ Fixed ] Shoot + Zoom exploit with Sniper Rifle
* [ Fixed ] Potential renderer crash
* [ Fixed ] Score limit is correctly calculated in PowerStruggle
* [ Fixed ] Vehicle damage direction display
* [ Fixed ] Server crash when using last purchase to repeatedly buy vehicles

Updates and improvements

* [ Updated ] Added health bar of player who just killed you
* [ Updated ] Added automatic respawning in Instant Action/Team Instant Action, defaults to 20s after death
* [ Updated ] Added new visual hit indicator asset - shows whether you hit a player or a vehicle
* [ Updated ] Various messages for accessibility improvement
* [ Updated ] Reworked options menu


* [ Balance ] Increased melee damage, and improved its consistency

New Map
With this patch a new map arrives in the form of Ruins. This map is set in a church ruins environment and invites players to fight both inside and outside of the church itself.

SDK Update
Since the original SDK release for Wars, we've taken into account the community feedback and have worked extensively on improving the functions that you wanted to see improved. As such we have added a new feature to Wars as well as fixed elements of the SDK which did not work as intended in the initial release. The entire Mod SDK now consists of 3 separate installers, one will include all the tools, one our brand new SP mod, and the other will have the game source code. Here is the detailed list for the contents of the Crysis Wars Mod SDK, with the changes we've made highlighted.


* Game Source Code (patched to Crysis Wars v1.5)


* CryENGINE2 Sandbox2 Editor
* Resource Compiler (32-bit only)
* CryExport plug-in for 3DS Max 9, 10 and 11 (32-bit and 64-bit)
* Polybump plug-in for 3DS Max 9, 10 and 11 (32-bit and 64-bit)
* Polybump application (32-bit and 64-bit)
* CryTIFF plug-in for Adobe Photoshop (32-bit only)
* FMOD Designer Tool (32-bit only)
* Rigging, Artist, Animation Tools for 3DS Max
* CryExport plug-in for XSI
* Engine Settings Manager

Note: Issues with the resource compiler exporting from XSI via the CryExport plugin have now been fixed.

SP Mod
The brand new SP mod is now the easy way to play singleplayer levels via Crysis Wars. Featuring a new menu option and level loader, this mod once installed not only allows for easy loading of singleplayer projects but adds Warhead AI/vehicle scripts as well as save game and difficulty functions.

* Includes weapon and vehicle scripts roughly in line with the balance found in Crysis Warhead, but edited for compatibility with Crysis Wars. Note that due to differences in game code between Warhead and Wars some parts of the game may still behave differently.

* Fixed an issue where AI were only active in devmode.

* Added level select menu, listing all non-MP levels found in root directory and SP mod folder of Crysis Wars, along with difficulty selection.

* Readded load and save game menus in the frontend.

En "flythrough" av nya banan finns på officiella webbsidan, samt vidare beskrivning för hur du installerar patchen.

Bara för att klargöra; Crysis Wars kallas alltså multiplayer-delen av Crysis Warhead. Krångelikrångligt va?