Utgivaren #Ncsoft fortsätter den omstrukturering av företaget som de tillkännagav i oktober förra året. Den gången innebar det att #Wildstar-utvecklaren #Carbine Studios tvingades avskeda 60 personer. Nu är det inte fullt lika många som drabbas.

16 personer från kontoret i Austin, Texas blir av med jobben i "den sista fasen av omstruktureringen". Det är support-avdelningen som drabbats, då de kommer outsourcas till en tredje part. I ett mejl till Polygon meddelar NCsoft att kunderna inte kommer drabbas och att orsaken till ommöbleringen är att kunna ha en mer flexibel support-organisation. Hela mejlet:

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As the final phase of a restructuring process announced last October, NCsoft West is transitioning its first level customer support services to an external provider. This change will better enable the company to provide scalable customer support across new business segments and its current portfolio of popular games.

Unfortunately, as result of this migration, a small number of customer support positions have been impacted. Today’s change should have no impact to former, current or future customers and is intended to enable NCsoft West to more easily scale its future support organization for new products on new platforms.

The decision to reduce staff is never an easy one, and NCsoft West will be working closely with those impacted and providing ongoing support. We sincerely wish everyone impacted well in their future endeavors.