Quiz – Vad kan du om det ständigt heta helvetet?
Berodde troligen på att många av dem kunde besvaras med hjälp av allmänbildning snarare än specifik kunskap om spel
Kul och varierat quiz. En del kvalificerade gissningar, gällde att hålla fingrarna i styr så man inte klicka för snabbt!
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Stora Retrotråden - Stora Speedruntråden
Dator: i7-2600K | P8P67-Pro | R9 280x | 12GB DDR3
Konsoler: NES, SNES, N64, GCN, Wii, Wii U, Switch, Genesis, PS2, PS3, (PS4), Xbox 360, Xbox One S
“What is a club in any case? Not the buildings or the directors or the people who are paid to represent it. It's not the television contracts, get-out clauses, marketing departments or executive boxes. “It's the noise, the passion, the feeling of belonging, the pride in your city. It’s a small boy clambering up the stadium steps for the very first time, gripping his father’s hand, gawping at that hallowed stretch of turf beneath him, and without being able to do a thing about it, falling in love.” - Sir Bobby Robson