Ny rulle från Duke Nukem Forever
Awesome!!! Vill ha spelet!
Nå väl får väll nöja mej med Duke Numed 3D's HD Pack så länge. ^^
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"It's better to die on your feet than live on you knees"
Såg ut som en blandning av Prey + Call Of Juarez + Worms...
3d Realms har INTE gått i konkurs...?
"... 3D Realms (3DR) has not closed and is not closing. ... Due to lack of funding, however, we are saddened to confirm that we let the Duke Nukem Forever (DNF) development team go on May 6,... While 3DR is a much smaller studio now, we will continue to operate as a company and continue to licence and co-create games based upon the Duke Nukem franchise. ... Take-Two’s proposal was unacceptable to 3DR for many reasons, including no upfront money, no guarantee minimum payment, and no guarantee to complete the DNF game. ...we viewed Take-Two as trying to acquire the Duke Nukem franchise in a “fire sale.” ...we believe Take-Two’s lawsuit is without merit and merely a bully tactic to obtain ownership of the Duke Nukem franchise. We will vigorously defend ourselves against this publisher."